After being in the mental health hospital, I made it my mission to figure out what works best for getting my own brain in order.
Eight years later, after visiting farms and health centers, learning to meditate, talking to people who also have mental health diagnoses and more, I decided to design a high end mental health center/farm. This place has a dining hall, mediation hall, creative barn, animal barn, a garden, a swimming pond, as well as residences for 100 people, including staff.
Realistically, I’m not sure that this specific high end construction is a great idea. I’ve seen an incredible place similar to this in real life that cost about $17,000 a month per person. It’s not a knock on that place, but they seem to have that down and it may be a bit tough to justify creating another. That being said, it felt good to exercise my creativity and see what I could do with SketchUp, Rendering, Photoshop, and Lightroom. I’m definitely interested in taking a second shot at this with a more affordable set up. That being said, here’s a quick description of each picture. Enjoy!
Isometric Overview
Pond View
Dining Front
Dining Back
Dining Interior
Meditation Hall
Meditation Hall Interior
The Barns
Creative Barn Interior
Animal Barn Interior
Residential Quads
Residential Quads Interior
Residential Doubles
Residential Doubles Interior
Designed a home for a professional athlete in mind, decked out with 7'6" doors (normally 6'8"), 4' wide walkways, and a 10' deep pool.
Front - rendered.
Top - rendered.
Front perspective
Back perspective
Close up front perspective
Top view
Front view
First floor on the main building with a two story kitchen area
Second floor of the main building with a guest bedroom.
Master bedroom suite with lots of light but privacy as well using fogged out glass block windows
Pool/chillin/deck area
Final view
This balsa wood model is called The Wing.
It's an inner city quiet space that I plan to build someday. It's designed with easing the nervous system in mind.
I'm passionate about building for people who are genetically pre-disposed to nervous system issues and will someday design a holistic mental health center.
Designed a meditation hut for a rural mental health center where people can come and work on how to deal with being angry. Sometimes being angry is scary or hard to do, especially with a heightened nervous system and/or misunderstood high-variant communication (basically one moment someone wants to feel less anxious and the next they want to die and the next they freeze and then on to addiction and on and on until breaking down without the skills/meds/interest/whatever to actually break down the situation and take healthy enough action). This building is hopefully a visual signal to make that process "ok."
The roof is two layers; one is a plexi/glass bubble and the other is charred 2x4s, bringing in elements of sunshine/rain/precipitation and fire/destruction. The wooden floor creates give and the concrete walls provide stability.
Custom either handmade or found planters.
One of my favorites is the blue guitar - I found it busted up in front of a church in Oakland.